Fortnite Save The World Database
Miniboss V-Bucks Missions
T V-Bucks 100 V-Bucks 40x V-Bucks
C V-Bucks 52 V-Bucks 35x V-Bucks
P V-Bucks 23 V-Bucks 30x V-Bucks
Missions Expire : 2025-01-27 00:00:00
Honorable Rewards


Stonewood Plankerton Canny Twine Ventures


Mythic Legendary Epic Rare Uncommon Common

Order By

Power Level


Survivors Leaders/Manager Hero Upgrade Llama Mini Llama Schematics Ranged Schematics Melee Schematics Trap Schematics
V Guardian Bull 140 Guardian Bull Guardian Bull
V Viper 140 Viper Viper
V Armaggeddon 140 Armaggeddon Armaggeddon
V Super Shredder 140 Super Shredder Super Shredder
V Ceiling Drop Trap 94 Ceiling Drop Trap Ceiling Drop Trap
V Engineer 94 Engineer Engineer
V Pipe Down! 70 Pipe Down! Pipe Down!
V Neon Sniper Rifle 58 Neon Sniper Rifle Neon Sniper Rifle
V One Shot 5 One Shot One Shot
V Melee Defender 140 Melee Defender Melee Defender
V Survivor 124 Survivor Survivor
V Nailer 124 Nailer Nailer
V Monsoon 124 Monsoon Monsoon
V Shotgun Defender 108 Shotgun Defender Shotgun Defender
V Survivor 94 Survivor Survivor
V Longarm Enforcer 94 Longarm Enforcer Longarm Enforcer
V Piston Spitter 82 Piston Spitter Piston Spitter
V Pummeller 70 Pummeller Pummeller
V Maverick 70 Maverick Maverick
V Thrasher 58 Thrasher Thrasher
V Fortsville Slugger 3000 58 Fortsville Slugger 3000 Fortsville Slugger 3000
V Cozy Campfire 46 Cozy Campfire Cozy Campfire
V Elegant Scythe 46 Elegant Scythe Elegant Scythe
V Vindertech Disintegrator 34 Vindertech Disintegrator Vindertech Disintegrator
V Sound Wall 23 Sound Wall Sound Wall
V Breaching Bar 34 Breaching Bar Breaching Bar
V Tigerjaw 34 Tigerjaw Tigerjaw
V Double-punch 34 Double-punch Double-punch
V Breaching Bar 34 Breaching Bar Breaching Bar
V Breacher 23 Breacher Breacher
V Heavy Wrench 5 Heavy Wrench Heavy Wrench
V Mini Reward Llama 94 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
V Upgrade Llama Token 46 Upgrade Llama Token Upgrade Llama Token
V Mini Reward Llama 15 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
V Mini Reward Llama 15 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
T Vindertech Slammer 140 Vindertech Slammer Vindertech Slammer
T Deathray 124 Deathray Deathray
T Floor Freeze Trap 116 Floor Freeze Trap Floor Freeze Trap
T Mr. Red 116 Mr. Red Mr. Red
T Vacuum Tube Rifle 94 Vacuum Tube Rifle Vacuum Tube Rifle
T Vindertech Blaster 94 Vindertech Blaster Vindertech Blaster
T Krypton Sword 76 Krypton Sword Krypton Sword
T Falcon 116 Falcon Falcon
T Survivor 116 Survivor Survivor
T Pipe Down! 108 Pipe Down! Pipe Down!
T Nightclaw 108 Nightclaw Nightclaw
T Survivor 94 Survivor Survivor
T Pulverizer 94 Pulverizer Pulverizer
T Vindertech Blazer 88 Vindertech Blazer Vindertech Blazer
T Vindertech Blazer 82 Vindertech Blazer Vindertech Blazer
T Gadgeteer 82 Gadgeteer Gadgeteer
T Slice n' Dice 76 Slice n' Dice Slice n' Dice
T Mini Reward Llama 88 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
T Mini Reward Llama 76 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
T Mini Reward Llama 76 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Zapotron 70 Zapotron Zapotron
C Wooden Floor Spikes 70 Wooden Floor Spikes Wooden Floor Spikes
C Super Shredder 64 Super Shredder Super Shredder
C Judge 52 Judge Judge
C Head Clipper 46 Head Clipper Head Clipper
C Riptide 46 Riptide Riptide
C Slice n' Dice 46 Slice n' Dice Slice n' Dice
C The Bear 46 The Bear The Bear
C Pulverizer 64 Pulverizer Pulverizer
C Argon Axe 64 Argon Axe Argon Axe
C Stormblade 64 Stormblade Stormblade
C Piston Spitter 58 Piston Spitter Piston Spitter
C Masters Driver 58 Masters Driver Masters Driver
C Krypton Pistol 58 Krypton Pistol Krypton Pistol
C Vindertech Blazer 58 Vindertech Blazer Vindertech Blazer
C Neon Scythe 58 Neon Scythe Neon Scythe
C Dragon Scorch 58 Dragon Scorch Dragon Scorch
C Haywire Storm 52 Haywire Storm Haywire Storm
C Armaggeddon 52 Armaggeddon Armaggeddon
C Vindertech Slicer 52 Vindertech Slicer Vindertech Slicer
C Pipe Down! 52 Pipe Down! Pipe Down!
C Armaggeddon 46 Armaggeddon Armaggeddon
C Husk Stomper 46 Husk Stomper Husk Stomper
C Flame Grill Floor Trap 46 Flame Grill Floor Trap Flame Grill Floor Trap
C Mini Reward Llama 64 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Mini Reward Llama 58 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
P Flame Grill Floor Trap 40 Flame Grill Floor Trap Flame Grill Floor Trap
P Survivor 46 Survivor Survivor
P Thunderbolt 34 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt
P Vacuum Tube Sniper Rifle 28 Vacuum Tube Sniper Rifle Vacuum Tube Sniper Rifle
P Wall Dynamo 28 Wall Dynamo Wall Dynamo
P Flame Grill Floor Trap 23 Flame Grill Floor Trap Flame Grill Floor Trap
P Vacuum Tube Rifle 23 Vacuum Tube Rifle Vacuum Tube Rifle
P Thunderbolt 19 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt
P Shotgun Defender 40 Shotgun Defender Shotgun Defender
P Survivor 40 Survivor Survivor
P Terminator 34 Terminator Terminator
P Ski Cleaver 34 Ski Cleaver Ski Cleaver
P Mighty Driver 34 Mighty Driver Mighty Driver
P Judge 34 Judge Judge
P Haywire Storm 28 Haywire Storm Haywire Storm
P Soldier 28 Soldier Soldier
P Harvester Sarah 28 Harvester Sarah Harvester Sarah
P Survivor 28 Survivor Survivor
P Melee Defender 23 Melee Defender Melee Defender
P Nighthawk 23 Nighthawk Nighthawk
P Survivor 19 Survivor Survivor
P Survivor 19 Survivor Survivor
P Mini Reward Llama 34 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
P Mini Reward Llama 34 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
S Ceiling Electric Field 9 Ceiling Electric Field Ceiling Electric Field
S Whirling Doom 19 Whirling Doom Whirling Doom
S Vindertech Disintegrator 19 Vindertech Disintegrator Vindertech Disintegrator
S Falcon 9 Falcon Falcon
S Survivor 19 Survivor Survivor
S Survivor 15 Survivor Survivor
S Razor 15 Razor Razor
S Judge 15 Judge Judge
S Survivor 5 Survivor Survivor
S Breacher 15 Breacher Breacher
S Nighthawk 15 Nighthawk Nighthawk
V-Bucks Missions History
Last 7 Days
470 394.7 %
Last 30 Days
850 0 %
This Year
Alert Summary
Reward SW PT CV TP Total
V-Bucks V-Bucks 0 30 35 40 105
Perk up legendary Perk Up 0 0 60 740 1005
Perk up epic Perk Up 0 0 218 1841 2522
Perk up rare Perk Up 0 70 415 290 775
Perk up uncommon Perk Up 0 130 535 0 1155
Re-perk RE-PERK! 0 215 754 1492 3522
Pure drops Pure drops 101 202 126 426 1127
Lightning Lightning 0 96 115 384 745
Eyes Eyes 0 0 26 201 360
Storm Shard Storm Shard 0 0 6 99 135
Tickets Tickets 654 1484 2768 6295 16012
Survivor Exp Surv XP 2K 11K 62K 645K 1M
Hero Exp Hero XP 1K 9K 0 405K 499K
Schematic Exp Schematic XP 1K 18K 68K 726K 863K
Fire Exp FIRE-UP! 0 770 1110 3780 8470
Frost Up FROST-UP! 0 670 990 3820 8200
Amp Up AMP-UP! 0 530 630 1770 4760
Weekly Supercharger
Trap Supercharger
Llama Rotation Llama Rotation

Save The World Store

Upgrade Llama
Legendary Troll Loot Truck... Llama
Mega Alerts


Retrieve the Data 15 Survivor XP Survivor XP (x1320)
Schematic XP Schematic XP (x4)
Retrieve the Data 9 Schematic XP Schematic XP (x1100)
Schematic XP Schematic XP (x4)
Ride The Lightning 5 Hero XP Hero XP (x880)
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)


Retrieve the Data 23 Lightning in a Bottle Lightning in a Bottle (x10)
Schematic XP Schematic XP (x4)
Fight the Storm 19 Survivor XP Survivor XP (x6600)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)

Canny Valley

Fight Category 4 Storm 64 Epic PERK-UP! Epic PERK-UP! (x143)
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)
Evacuate the Shelter 52 RE-PERK! RE-PERK! (x184)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)
Evacuate the Shelter 46 Schematic XP Schematic XP (x21450)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)
Fight Category 4 Storm 64 Epic PERK-UP! Epic PERK-UP! (x143)
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)
Evacuate the Shelter 52 RE-PERK! RE-PERK! (x184)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)
1 more active mission

Twine Peaks

Fight Category 4 Storm 140 Epic PERK-UP! Epic PERK-UP! (x276)
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)
Retrieve the Data 132 Hero XP Hero XP (x189200)
Lightning in a Bottle Lightning in a Bottle (x4)
Retrieve the Data 124 Epic PERK-UP! Epic PERK-UP! (x256)
Legendary PERK-UP! Legendary PERK-UP!
Legendary PERK-UP! Legendary PERK-UP!
Ride The Lightning 116 Floor Freeze Trap Floor Freeze Trap
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)
Retrieve the Data 108 RE-PERK! RE-PERK! (x297)
Lightning in a Bottle Lightning in a Bottle (x4)
15 more active missions